Burns first aid

Burns can be very serious but good first aid will greatly reduce scarring or the need to go to hospital.

If your child has suffered a burn:

  • Use cool running water on the burn for 20 minutes. This will stop the burning process and cool the burn.

  • Remove clothing and jewellery, if possible

  • Call Triple Zero (000) or get immediate medical help if:

    • The burn is larger than a 20-cent piece

    • The burn is on the child’s face, hands, feet, groin or buttocks

    • You are unsure or concerned.

Never use ice, iced water, cream, gel, toothpaste, butter or anything else on a burn as they can make the burn worse. Burn creams don’t cool the burn and must not be used instead of cool running water.

Note: Using cool water for 20 minutes is effective within 3 hours of the burn.

Free online module on burns first aid 

Click here to complete a FREE online e-learning module to give you knowledge on how to perform correct first aid for common types of burns including scalds, flame, friction, electrical and chemical burns.