Burns and scalds in the home


  • Install a guard around your heater or fireplace which is heat resistant and secured to the wall or floor. You can buy these from your local hardware store or heating storeBurn, scald, heater, fire guard,
  • Keep a metre from the heater. Put your heater at least 1 metre away from anything that might catch fire such as clothing, furniture and curtains. Don’t dry clothing by placing it over a heater or fireplace
  • Buy pyjamas with the low fire danger label
  • Put heaters on the floor. Never put heaters up high such as on cabinets or tables
  • Put heaters away from traffic areas such as doorways and hallways
  • Don’t use extension cords unless you need to and don’t overload power points or power boards
  • Turn off heating appliances when leaving the house or when sleeping.


  • Keep irons and their cords out of reach of young children when they are being used or are cooling downBurn, scald, iron
  • Don’t iron around young children. Iron while children are asleep or put your child in a playpen while you iron
  • Consider using a cordless iron
  • Use the stand for the iron, if provided. Irons that are left face-down on the ironing board may start a fire
  • Fold ironing boards up after use and store them in a secure place.

Other tips to prevent burns and scalds in the home include:

  • Install smoke alarms on all levels of your home and close to bedrooms
  • Store matches and lighters in a locked cabinet or where children can't reach them
  • Only use a treadmill when young children are not in the room, install a safety guard around it and unplug after use.