Baby development and attachment

Research has shown that the brain develops rapidly in the early years of a child's life. It is important then, that children are stimulated in different ways for healthy development and learning and provided with special care. This begins with holding and comforting your baby, talking and singing to your baby and creating a warm and loving environment for your baby to grow up in.

Bringing out the best in your baby: A guide for parents and caregivers of children from birth to 12 months of age

The resource outlines some important activities to encourage your baby's healthy development over the first 12 months, along with developmental milestones so that you may enjoy your baby's new skills (please keep in mind that all babies develop at different rates and that these are an average).

Early childhood development, bringing out the best in your baby, first 2000 days, first 1000 daysEarly childhood development, bringing out the best in your baby, first 2000 days, first 1000 days

The calendar, and posters advertising the calendar’s availability, is available from the downloads section below. Free copies of the calendar and posters can be ordered from the Resources for Order page.

Visit the First 2000 days page to learn more about how to encourage your child's health and development in the first five years of your child's life.