Burns and scalds in the kitchen

Hot food and drinks

  • Use non-slip placemats and coasters instead of tablecloths so young children can’t pull hot food and drinks onto themselvesBurn, scald, hot food, hot drink
  • Put hot food and drinks out of reach of young children
  • Don’t hold young children while having hot food or drinks
  • Boiling water in hot noodle containers can take an hour to cool down to a safe temperature. ALWAYS drain the hot water from the noodles before giving them to your child and have them sit at a table when eating hot noodles.

Stoves and ovens

  • Use the back stovetop burners rather than the front ones so young children can’t reach themBurn, scald, stove, oven, baby gate, child safety gate
  • Turn the pot handles to the back of the stove so they are out of reach of young children
  • Keep looking when cooking - stay in the kitchen when cooking and supervise children at all times
  • Use a barrier such as a stove guard to prevent young children pulling hot pots and pans onto themselves. You can buy a stove guard from your local hardware store
  • Separate cooking areas from living areas and keep cooking equipment off the ground so it is out of reach of young children
  • Attach free standing ovens to the wall to stop them tipping over on top of children.

Kettles and other electrical appliances

  • Push all electrical equipment to the back of the bench so young children can’t reach themBurn, scald, kettle, bab gate, child safety gate
  • Wind up excess cords or use cordless equipment so children can’t accidentally pull the equipment on top of themselves.