Trampoline safety

Jumping on a trampoline is great fitness for your child and can help with balance and coordination. Unfortunately, when used incorrectly, trampolines can lead to serious injuries. Most injuries happen on the trampoline bed because of a fall, such as after trying a somersault or trick, or from having more than 1 person on the trampoline.

Indoor trampoline centres are a popular place for families to visit but children can still be injured.

Trampolines are not recommended for children under 6 years old. This is because their bones are softer and still developing and the repetitive jumping can damage their bones, joints or growth plates.

Remember the following safety tips if you choose to use a trampoline.


  • Supervise your child when they are using a trampoline
  • Only allow 1 child at a time to use the trampoline
  • Don’t let children go underneath the trampoline when it’s being used
  • Teach your child how to get safely off the trampoline without jumping onto the ground
  • Don’t allow your child to do somersaults and tricks. You can take your child to a formal trampolining class if they want to learn how to do these skills safely.


  • If your child is under the age of 6, consider using a mini trampoline with a handrail instead. This product doesn’t have as much spring and doesn’t put as much pressure on bones and joints compared to larger trampolines
  • Buy a trampoline that doesn’t have springs or cover the steel frame and springs with safety pads
  • Buy a trampoline that meets the Australian Standard (AS 4989) which has safety netting around it, to prevent falls onto the ground
  • Make sure the safety nets are always used properly
  • Regularly check the trampoline and safety nets for tears, worn areas and bends in the frame. Buy a replacement safety net if you find any problems
  • Try not to leave the trampoline in the sun as the trampoline and safety net can get damaged over time and reduce their safety.


  • Have soft material around all 4 sides of the trampoline that is at least 30cm deep, similar to play equipment. This includes bark, mulch, wood chips, certain types of sand, fake grass or rubber
  • Place the trampoline on even ground and at ground level if you can
  • Don’t have anything within 2 metres of the trampoline such as a house, fence, trees, rocks, toys or bikes
  • Don’t have anything above the trampoline that your child can hit as they are jumping, such as clotheslines, trees and wires. It is recommended to have free space of 5 metres above the trampoline bed
  • Don’t have any objects on the trampoline
  • Only visit trampoline parks that are members of the Australian Trampoline Park Association.

More information can be found on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Product Safety Australia website.