Teenagers and Grief

The death of a parent, sibling or friend is devastating for the teenager. Apart from death, the most common way young people experience grief is through divorce, separation, a re-marriage or creation of a blended family. Other triggers include loss of home, pets and personal property through fire, flood, obesity or poor body image. TEENAGERS AND GRIEF is an important guide for teenagers and parents alike. Parents will find ways to help their children by showing them how to cope with loss and helping them to express their grief, thoughts and feelings. There is, also, critical information on when parents need to seek urgent outside help. Several teenagers express their feelings in the book and these give us an insight into the depths of their grief. (The updated edition of the author's previous book "Something I've Never Felt Before").



Additional Information

ISBN:  9780855724054

ISBN 10:

Audience:  Teenafgers 12+

Format:  Paperback

Language:  English

Date published:  2012

Publisher:  Michelle Anderson Publishing

Country of publication  Australia

Doris Zagdanski