The Memory Garden Set (3 Books)


The Memory Garden Series are three books for children exploring the topic of death and grief. Each story has been written especially for primary-school aged children to help parents/carers/professionals to begin conversations with children about death and dying. Designed specifically for use with children facing a life-limiting illness and their siblings, these books can also be used with children to normalise feelings of grief and loss. The books can be used individually or as a series.

Hazel’s Story – Hazel’s big sister, Iris, is terminally ill. This is a story about Hazel and how she copes with Iris’ illness. Hazel experiences many of the common feeling siblings go through when they have a brother or sister who is sick. Along with Hazel, we learn how to manage feelings of grief and sadness and how we can keep our happy memories close to us.

Iris’ Story – Iris is a nine year old girl who enjoys playing soccer and spending time with her family. Iris is also terminally ill. In this book, we learn how Iris copes with being sick and how she deals with sadness and loss. We also learn how Iris’ family will keep the memory of her with them forever.

Leo’s Story – Leo is a 12 year old boy whose little sister, Iris, is sick. When Leo begins to realise that Iris is not going to get better, he experiences a range of different emotions. In this book, we learn that it can be better to express our emotions, even the difficult ones like anger, sadness and grief. We also learn how Iris’ family will keep the memory of her with them forever.


Additional Information

ISBN:  All three components apply here.

ISBN 10:

Audience:  Parents/Children

Format:  Paperback

Language:  English

Date published:  2016

Publisher:  The Children's Hospital at Westmead

Country of publication:  Australia

Natasha Samy, Illustrator Natalie Marshall
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